Friday, March 5, 2010

Lemon Tree

“Whenever I hear about, read, see, watch things concerning Israel, I almost always feel conflicted. I think many people in the West, though certainly not only in the West, relate to this confliction: in most this is emotionally reflected.

“Reflections. Ruminations? Emotions, gut feelings, abdomen begot omen—augurs and ogres; divination: the divine divines the divine or the fear of God--ha, subject verb object (syntactic variables of the hermeneutics of language) and the genitive of an emotional state of mind (the alterable sociology of the language of hermeneutics)--the classics versus the Abrahamic faiths. Reason contra emotion? I‘d argue the scientific method against what exactly? Two inverse, Bronze Age approaches to interpreting the world.

“Phenomenology, reflections. Are not words a hallucinogen? Exhilaration—economic power, religious authority, power politics, all of it; money, sex and booze, an orgy evident in the celebrity cult; hierarchy, hierophants and glyphs--followed without a hangover? Economic cycles and political backswings, panem et circenses, fortune and good sports: prisons we build for our selves--space intended because that is our species, a collective language of images, among others—are, at best a constant delirium of graphemes. And at worse?

“A reflection, in mathematics, is a map transforming an object into its mirror image. Is outside the self subject to uncertainty? Which would you prefer: a Cartesian map of the world or a view from the moon? Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent. Don’t we know that we don't know?”

“Veneration, enervation—black and white, and the gray of a concrete: Israel.”


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